The Russian army has always been just propaganda and advertising

I come from the former Czechoslovakia and I dare to say : The Soviet Union did not liberate us, it conquered us. We exchanged one occupier for another. I owe the Soviets (and Russia) absolutely nothing, not even for fighting the Germans. It is little mentioned that the Soviets sided with the Nazis and joined the Allies only because the Nazis betrayed and invaded them. I might have been more forgiving if they had behaved like the US and left us democracy and freedom after the war, but that didn't happen, they only achieved their unsavoury goals alongside the Allies, not Nazi Germany. So what should I be grateful to them for?

I don't understand where the anti-Americanism and Russophilia in so many people in this country comes from.

The Soviet Union dealt such an economic and technological blow to the Wall Street imperialists that when I came there in 1989 on a student exchange, my family rode a motorcycle with a sidecar (it was probably a copy of a motorcycle designed sometime in the 1940s-50s) and the store had sugar and butter (i.e., a limited amount) on the tickets. This was the economic miracle of Russia in practice, as I experienced it first hand just before the entire Eastern Bloc collapsed. So I don't understand the comments that claim it wasn't :-). The collapse and falling behind the US by at least 20-30 years was obvious in the USSR and continues to this day. It's just gotten worse.